Slim CLA

N30 capsules

Slim CLA
is the most effective food supplement for reducing weight and getting rid of extra kilos.
Conjugated linoeic acid (CLA) accelerates the body’s metabolism. CLA keeps off the creation of new fat cells and
its efficiency keeps weight in check. Slim CLA helps your body get rid of extra kilos fast.
In order to slim down healthily, take Slim CLA for the period of two months and combine it with daily intensive
exercise and a balanced sleeping regime
. A balanced diet guarantees an even better result.


  • Rids body of excess weight and will not let extra kilos come back
  • Helps reduce weight and keep it in check
  • Avoids the yo-yo effect (weight fluctuations up and down)
  • Speeds up the metabolism

Dosage: 1–2 capsules day, follow with water